Tim Stoelting, Milwaukee based visual artist, is competing for the 2013 ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His installation, a continuance of his Architectonic series, builds off his exploration in print and architecture redefining how the viewer looks at space where forms are not necessarily as they appear.
The Architectonic series is an examination of how we perceive and interact with space, objects, and their function. The work explores how objects and spaces can be altered to create a higher awareness of their design and construction. These alterations act as a critical analysis of art, architecture, design, and technology, and often result in an awkward, uncomfortable, or disorienting outcome. How far can we twist a form before it morphs into something entirely new? What can we learn by examining our reactions to these altered forms?
This specific installation of Architectonic at the Urban Institute of Contemporary Art takes the distillation of a space to a new level by assigning the analysis to a real word scenario, in this case an office space. The space is populated with a variety of works all with an underlying theme of analysis through deconstruction and abstraction. Included in the collection are objects by artists Oliver Sydello, Miguel Ramirez, and collective CENTER. Each object plays an important role in creating the environment of an occupied office space: Oliver Sydello For Dummies, an entry level manual to familiarize yourself with the artist, Sculptural Companion #2, a pocket sized model of sculpture which relieves stress through tactile explorations of its form, and Black hat with Snakeskin and Black leather a piece of CENTER’s postmodern avant garde fashion line of hats.
ArtPrize Continues through October 6th in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Winners are determined by both public vote and juried awards.
- Tim Steolting
- Tim Steolting
- Tim Steolting